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Friday, August 31, 2012

TJEd Young Adults Discussion :Obama's America 2016

Current Events bring relevance to your classroom. I encourage parents to first screen, then take their transition to scholar students to see the documentary Obama's America:2016.

Below are some questions to ask your young adult, should you decide they can view the documentary. Use or adapt as you like. Enjoy!

Obama’s America 2016 Dinesh D’Sousa

Orientation questions:
·       Do you consider yourself effective or ineffective in identifying and solving societal or cultural problems?
·       Suggest a series of steps you might take (or perhaps HAVE already taken) in solving a group problem.

*Say: You are about to see a documentary about two men who came from a similar background.
The proposed subject of the documentary is our current president, Barak Obama. The documentary producer is Dinesh D’Sousa.
As you watch the first hour of the film, try to ask yourself:

·       What did the two men have in common?
·       In what ways did the men differ?
·       Do you think the people who influenced a man seeking the Presidency of the United States should be looked at before you vote for the candidate?
·       Is a candidate’s family or cultural background a worthwhile factor to consider before voting?
·       Can you explain the terms Colonialism and Anti-Colonialism?

Recommended reading
Inspire better thinking, reasoning and writing. READ about it :D
Under your parents’ blessing, consider the autobiography of the subject, his story in his words “Dreams from My Father” by Barack Obama
Read the work of Dinesh D’Souza “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Porch House Family Syllabus continues~ we have Love of Learning Phase children, are the folks, roughly between 6 and 11 or 12, depending...

It's really great to consider people based on where they are in maturity vs. by numbers sometimes.

Their Activities:
Literature Menu
The Bible, Concordia Bible lessons, Positive Action Curriculum
Louisa May Alcott Jo's Boys, Corrie Ten Boom The Hiding Place, Hans Christian Andersen The Little Mermaid

E.D.Hirsch What Your _____Grader Needs To Know, Karen Santorum Everyday Graces, William J. Bennett Book of Virtues

The Kingfischer History Encyclopedia

Peter Marshall and David Manuel Sounding Forth The Trumpet, Kenneth W. Osbeck Amazing Grace 366 Inspiring Hymn Stories, John D. Morris Daddy Is There Really a God?

Singapore 1A,2A Math Textbook/ Workbook
Khan Academy online: 30 minutes 2x weekly, Math Workshop on Saturdays

Develop ability to use the library computers, navigate approved websites such as, Ask librarian for help using courtesy, eye contact, clear speech when needed.

Drawing: Draw Write Now

Art and Music: Instrument classes and performance, Vocal performance, Musical Ministry, Lapbooking, Harmony Arts mom activities

Various: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day, States and Capitols, Presidents, French language, Gardening skills, necklace/jewelry making, painting

Physical Education
Camping, Soccer, Hiking, Cycling, Open Gym

This post shares our family syllabus with you, pressing towards collegium...

 Pressing towards Collegium Part One
I believe education should bring people together. Jesus believed the church was just that, people living, learning, together. This post shares our family syllabus with you, should you like to be involved in an hour, 20 minutes, or a whole afternoon sometime.  Our college, a community.
 "This standing firm ... enables the college to be a community, a collegium of students and faculty working at common problems and possibilities" (Robert A. Spivey).
Porch House Family Syllabus 2012-2013
Transition to Scholar Phase Learners
(towards more extended, focused periods of study (approx. 12-17 yrs old)
The Divine Drama (30 Units; one academic year)
from Crossways International
The Divine Drama is an intermediate-level course commonly taught within one academic year (30 weeks). It is ideal for teenagers preparing for confirmation, for an adult “refresher” course, or a new members class. Its 16 units…(click on Deeper Info)
Managers of Their Homes/Chores, Steven and Teri Maxwell  
Total Health :Talking About Life's Changes  Middle School
Little brother to Total Health: Choices for a Winning Lifestyle, this one is designed for junior high and covers topics more relevant to this age group following the same basic format and topics as the original. Physical, mental, social, and spiritual health are all covered from… (click on Deeper Info)
Khan Academy online:  30 minutes per day + Saturday workshop weekly
Students can make use of our extensive video library…(click on Deeper Info)
First semester to include:  adding fractions with common denominators; dividing whole numbers and applications one; Review: negative number;  review problems; Review: multiplication four; Suggested progressions as directed.
Math 76: An Incremental Development
The Saxon books are some of the best that I have ever used. I used Saxon books throughout all of my …(click on Deeper Info)
Middle Grades Sampler
Math 5/4, Math 6/5, Math 7/6, Math 8/7, and Algebra ½ form a series of courses to move
students from primary grades to algebra. Each course contains …(click on Deeper Info)
The Bible, John Adams, "Thoughts on Government",Benjamin Franklin "Autobiography and Letters and Writings", C.S. Lewis "The Screwtape Letters"Martin Luther "The Small Catechism", Victor Hugo "Les Miserables"
Physical Education:
Soccer, Hiking, Cycling ,No Excuse Workout Mentoring with  Johnathan Roche, Open Gym
Computer: Copy/Paste to a word doc, Design notebooking/Journaling pages using website, Begin a Bi-weekly blog on
Instrument classes and performance, Vocal Performance, Musical Ministry, Stage Production, Hans Bronson's Gold Medal Mission (Musical), Harmony Arts Mom activities
Various:Elections/Government, Human Anatomy,Journaling

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Stand, therefore

Insofar as taxation should not come from the Supreme Court, opinions should not be rewritten by justices, rather evaluated in light of a firm and principled Constitution, I will be adding a third phase of stewardship to my civic life in America during the next 6 months.

Phase one: Donate time, funding and personal engagement to seeing Mitt Romney win the Presidential election

Phase Two: November 7th on~ see to it, Romney repeals and replaces Obama's attempt at Healthcare
and relieves the middle class of $27 billion of tax hikes (2013-2023).

Phase Three: Uphold the Constitution by beginning the impeachment process of Chief Justice John Roberts.

Do I go too far? We will either live under a firm Constitution, or we will be ruled by an unfettered, massive, overreaching government. The erosion has gone on long enough.

I stand, therefore, with the founders.   J. Siek

Monday, July 2, 2012

Healthcare Solutions for a Free Empowered American Citizenry

Healthcare Solutions for a Free, Empowered America

have always been ready for  President Barack Obama's review, he just never had time to sit down with Dr. Tom Price, Congressman.

Dr. Price and the RSC requested a meeting WEEKLY. Now he brings a 20 minute overview of all that is possible in Healthcare to the American people in this 20 minute talk courtesy of Hillsdale College.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

WW II Re-Enactment June 30, 2012 at Tiscornia beach Saint Joseph, Michigan

Sharing our day with you and also a HUGE thank you to all veterans...Thank may we "get it right"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dear Kassidy, it is very very fun to be your Mommy. These few pictures show it always HAS been, too. Happy Seventh Birthday!  Mommy

Monday, May 7, 2012

Musical Ascension May 20, 2012 in Saint Joe, Michigan

Twin Cities Organ Concert Series presents a
Bach Ascension Festival

featuring Saint Joseph Bach Chorale
with harpsichord and orchestra
lead by guest conductor Jonathan Busarow

Sunday, May 20, 2012, 4 PM
Trinity Lutheran Church
Corner of Market and Pearl Streets, Saint Joseph, MI
Two J. S. Bach Cantatas written for the Ascension, BWV 43 and 11 will be performed.
There will be a freewill offering. Generous donations accepted.
Visit for more information.
Everyone, we have a short time to enjoy the vitality of Mr and Mrs Jonathan Busarow's offerings here in Saint Joe, Michigan. Please invite everyone you know to experience this wonderful time with us, as we lift up great works, conveyed through truly great and faith-filled friends!