Like Bill Gates' Three R's very much
To this I add today five cherished tenants of the Protestant Reformation..
Step Right In
Nice to have you here
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
lesson from the Vikings
The Vikings were fierce pirates and warriors who terrorized Europe from the late 700’s to about A.D. 1100. Brutal and fearsome they looted and burned parts of England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Russia, and Spain. Other Europeans were so frightened of the Vikings that a special prayer for protection was offered in the churches: “God, deliver us from the fury of the Northmen.”
Most historians attribute...
(Read more by clicking link below)™/
Friday, October 14, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Both Real and There
Like a persistent, resounding bell, "belief in God's proximity" and the importance of realizing it tones on inside of me as I read the scriptures from the Bible studies I have been involved in this month.
I John 1 is a key~ from the evidentiary opening of the first chapter to the close of it, with John's plea for truthful living, the Life, the light vs. darkness and the necessity of confession~ all point to the reality of an ever Present Christ.
That He is real in the chapel is not so much the challenge that He is just as much in the car. Or the kitchen. Or the computer desk.
Where does God's presence feel "real" to you? Where is the place where you are distracted away from him?
I John 1 is a key~ from the evidentiary opening of the first chapter to the close of it, with John's plea for truthful living, the Life, the light vs. darkness and the necessity of confession~ all point to the reality of an ever Present Christ.
That He is real in the chapel is not so much the challenge that He is just as much in the car. Or the kitchen. Or the computer desk.
Where does God's presence feel "real" to you? Where is the place where you are distracted away from him?
Monday, September 26, 2011
"God is Light; in him there is no darkness at all..." I John 1:5
This verse always makes me smile. It is particularly apt now as the evenings are growing longer and darker, and the tops of the maples begin their dying glory of gold, orange and fiery red. I scurry around looking for batteries for my flameless votives, so the windows in the house can blink in a friendly way to motorists or fitness people on the road.
Sometimes I rather like the break we get of bright lights, though. I like the cloudy day, where I don't need my sunglasses, the dimly lit table at the restaurant , just ready for quiet conversation. In our house of many, if I want a particularly quiet dinnertime with everyone, the first thing I do is dim those lights.
Still, if I did not have the Light God offers, how much more frustrating would be my stumbling around! Daily decisions, moment by moment challenges are made so much more ably with the light, shining the step ahead of me, on my path.
I still trip. Got some lumps to show for it. A few scrapes. But thanks be to God for his light. How we love it, need it, live by it.
Got 4 minutes? You can listen to one of my favorite songs out of the Lutheran Worship Hymnal, "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light". When I sing it, it's loud and much faster. A while ago, I had it memorized, now must brush up on the words again. As an anthem, it is fabulous, but the only recording I could find was this slow one. Maybe you'll be in the mood for it.
Walk in the Light!
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
This verse always makes me smile. It is particularly apt now as the evenings are growing longer and darker, and the tops of the maples begin their dying glory of gold, orange and fiery red. I scurry around looking for batteries for my flameless votives, so the windows in the house can blink in a friendly way to motorists or fitness people on the road.
Sometimes I rather like the break we get of bright lights, though. I like the cloudy day, where I don't need my sunglasses, the dimly lit table at the restaurant , just ready for quiet conversation. In our house of many, if I want a particularly quiet dinnertime with everyone, the first thing I do is dim those lights.
Still, if I did not have the Light God offers, how much more frustrating would be my stumbling around! Daily decisions, moment by moment challenges are made so much more ably with the light, shining the step ahead of me, on my path.
I still trip. Got some lumps to show for it. A few scrapes. But thanks be to God for his light. How we love it, need it, live by it.
Got 4 minutes? You can listen to one of my favorite songs out of the Lutheran Worship Hymnal, "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light". When I sing it, it's loud and much faster. A while ago, I had it memorized, now must brush up on the words again. As an anthem, it is fabulous, but the only recording I could find was this slow one. Maybe you'll be in the mood for it.
Walk in the Light!
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light
Monday, September 19, 2011
Of beginnings and proclamation... I John
"That which was from the beginning which we have heard...we proclaim..."
I don't know about you, but being reminded of the "beginning" blesses my heart! Oh, I love to think about the awesome power of God as He worked every detail out from oxygen to owls to outer space. How much more the miracle John references in IJohn in our Good Morning Girls reading for today. I John 1:1 takes me back to the magic of John's "beginnings" ~his walking, talking, senscient moments with Jesus. What must that have been like?
Strength for the coming day~ our day, our ups and downs, our completely unique fearfully and wonderfully made selves were warm thoughts in God's breast from the beginning of time. He was there then, remembering, fashioning, planning...Let's live this day he planned for us, let's proclaim all the good news of all of it!
Monday, September 12, 2011
From homeschool "Partnership" to Policies- a former Pennsylvanian can't stop typing...
Oh, my Goodness, another unleashed opinion? Yep. I started to answer an email inquiry on a chat thread about homeschooling with the "help" of public school based partnership programs. Poor, dear gal...I just kept typing, and typing, and typing! LOL...Very cathartic, though.
By the way, some names changed to protect the innocent! lol~
Hello, Nina! Nice to "meet" you :D,
About your questions on public schools offering partnerships to homeschooling families, I will share a little more thinking with you, I know I had expressed some reservations~based on the tendencies we found living in Pennsylvania~
The public school based partnership most known around me is the Berrien Springs Partnership, run by Berrien Springs School District. I did not want to join as soon as I read through their requirements. They wanted required courses, seated hours in one of their classrooms, names, ages, grades of the children...hmmm. I wondered why they needed all that if they were "there to help."
My cautious perspective is only from one Pennsylvanian who had to for each child, do the following...Log days or class hours per required subject in a binder, submit my typed "intent to homeschool' form to the local school district each year by an August deadline, have standardized tests done on each of my children at the designated years 3rd, 5th, I think and 8th grade, pay an outside of the home evaluator to evaluate each child.
Evaluators have to interview the child, ours would have him read to her and recount field trips and socialization activities, so she could type out a form she would send to the local school district saying, "Yes, this child is complying with Pennsylvania law (being taught something.)"
Finally, each of my children needed to have a compiled binder with samples of their work, submitted by us by the appointed deadline towards the end of the school year. There was a comprehensive list of what all needed to be in there.
While admittedly, "partnerships" for homeschoolers require much less than this, I would want any Michigander who values their freedom and autonomy as a family, to consider what the schools are capable of in regards to stripping you of them.
Some might say, well, that is a good system, it keeps those families from neglecting their child's education~ but this strips away at the whole question you all in Michigan have for years gotten to explore, which is~ how does our family best get our children ready for their futures?
That is a journey, not a form to fill out. A journey requiring prayer, time, teamwork form those best qualified to care, and freedom from governmental red tape.
Personally, I feel that social services and aware neighbors are often the antidote to the problem of the "homeschooling" family who is not caring for their child. Children shouldn't be left to slip through the cracks, but that is why there are child welfare agencies and phone numbers to call.
In my opinion, government schools should not be the ones concerning themselves with my children. They don't understand family based learning. And overregulation lines the pockets of people who would much rather keep homeschooling moms and dads underconfident in their abilities to guide their own children's education. What parent in their right mind would leave the public system and enter a homeschooling lifestyle when it was made so purposefully onerous? Where you as parents had to PROVE you were above suspicion after pulling your child out of their system?
From where I am sitting, this is a basic restriction of freedom. And I can tell you that the bureaucrats did not mind one iota that my husband and I lost countless hours, Saturday mornings, weekday afternoons on data entry. We would rather being reading to a child. That really upset me.
While there are wonderful, talented and caring teachers in many governments schools, I think it is a fair generalization that school districts have people who need to stay employed, with a justified workload. I really, truly don't want my child's name on a form that someone who doesn't even know them or really care all that much, get to use them as leverage and pay-justification.
In looking over the Berrien Springs program, I saw a lot of mandates. Information needed to be handed over and number of hours in their classrooms had to be met, meaning travel time and time away from home. That, to me meant, the school district in no way believed my husband and I had it covered, making the school's offer of "help" look very suspect. And who would want to be "partnered" to someone who didn' believe in you?
If a school district really wanted to "help" homeschooling families, why do we have to submit our children's names, ages, grade levels and go through their requirements. Why don't they offer a menu of classes, charge a fee if necessary, and have us come in? It begs the question.
I want to encourage you to decide jointly with your spouse what you want to do based on your feelings about your young person and their best needs. The great news on all these opinion boards are that all that really matters is what you and he want to do, these are your precious kids, and you know better than any post-er on a thread. :D
As for me, I am hoping to see homeschooling parents grow stronger in their confidence and enjoyment of being with their kids. Seeing the discovery firsthand. Marveling as much at how the children have grown and matured, as how the family as a whole has grown and matured!
Sending you my best wishes~
Jenny,I would really be interested in hearing about your experience in Pennsylvania. My child is beginning a home school cooperative and it sounded so great…until I started thinking about it...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Daddy-Style Math only our family would understand
subtitled bats and unwashed silverware...:)
Our daughter has been given a worksheet for her math assignment this morning. it reads:
Kassidy Wednesday, 31 August, 2011 Math
For each situation, tell whether you
ADD (draw a + or "flop the bunny") OR
SUBTRACT (draw a - or "burp the frog")
*note to reader, your blogger can not copy the penned illustration that accompanies, 'tis a shame!
1. There are 2 clean spoons on the table and 5 clean spoons in the drawer. How many clean spoons do we have? _________________________________
2. There are 8 people who need clean spoons. How many more spoons must be washed? ____________
3. After everyone has a clean spoon, a bat swoops down and eats 4 of the spoons. How many spoons are left?_____________________________
4. The bat flies to his cave and puts the 4 spoons with 6 others he has. How many spoons does the bat have altogether? ____________________________________________
Our daughter has been given a worksheet for her math assignment this morning. it reads:
Kassidy Wednesday, 31 August, 2011 Math
For each situation, tell whether you
ADD (draw a + or "flop the bunny") OR
SUBTRACT (draw a - or "burp the frog")
*note to reader, your blogger can not copy the penned illustration that accompanies, 'tis a shame!
1. There are 2 clean spoons on the table and 5 clean spoons in the drawer. How many clean spoons do we have? _________________________________
2. There are 8 people who need clean spoons. How many more spoons must be washed? ____________
3. After everyone has a clean spoon, a bat swoops down and eats 4 of the spoons. How many spoons are left?_____________________________
4. The bat flies to his cave and puts the 4 spoons with 6 others he has. How many spoons does the bat have altogether? ____________________________________________
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Cooling down for the Fall in Michigan!
Something is astir in our household today. During playtime, I was cleaning one of the children's rooms when I realized how quiet it had become. James then headed me off at the pass and told me I was nOT alowwed to go downstairs, the kids were having a Kids Council! Silly me said, Oh, Wow! Can I come?" (I still think I qualify as a kid lol) "Not this time, Mom! was the answer. Hmmm. Maybe because tomorrow is my birthday, and they found out about it...we'll see.
So I just now took a break and while the crickets chirped in the sandy grasses outside, I watched Courtney's video, we are gearing up too study I John this fall. It is so great to be in God's Word with other homeschooling Mommies. I know I need the energy I draw from group study!
So I just now took a break and while the crickets chirped in the sandy grasses outside, I watched Courtney's video, we are gearing up too study I John this fall. It is so great to be in God's Word with other homeschooling Mommies. I know I need the energy I draw from group study!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
GTM Got ten minutes? a busy Mom's 10 minute readings
A future awaits those who seek peace.-Psalm 37:37
If you have time, read:
Romans 8:28: God works for the good of those who love him
Romans 8:38:Nothing can separate us from God's love
I Corinthians3:18-23: The future is ours in Christ
A future awaits those who seek peace.-Psalm 37:37
If you have time, read:
Romans 8:28: God works for the good of those who love him
Romans 8:38:Nothing can separate us from God's love
I Corinthians3:18-23: The future is ours in Christ
Friday, August 5, 2011
A sugar-induced wakefulness, a heart to heart, and a pcqd...
Keith marched across the deck with his plastic flavor ice frozen popsicle bag clamped into his mouth, and a this-is-my-second-one-to-boot energetic voice, "Mom! If I am going to grow to be a big, BIG boy, I'm going to have to eat a LOT of these!" Was it his facial expression, his spunky mood, or his sugar induced optimism that made me laugh out loud for real?
His optimism cracked me up…he really thought I might consider his line of thinking with some sobriety, and THAT was just funny. Popsicles on the porch time came to an end and "the littles" were sent to bed, while I sat for a little down time with Jessie, who had a few pretty heavy things on her mind. Having indulged in a few popsicles myself, I was actually wakeful enough to wisely hang around and stay available, a skill I am trying to work harder on as mom of 6. So, while we smacked down mosquitos who love mommymeat, and cheered on a bat that periodically would circle down from the house roof, we talked about some troubling relational things cropping up with her siblings.
I had to sit on my Mrs. Fix-It impulse, and try to listen, not solving much at first, but try to get her to think of skills or tools she needs to deal with the "stuff" of sibling life…all in all some stories were swapped and I hope she went away with some new thoughts and, please, God~ a secure feeling that her mom and dad are here for her and really want to help. I am thankful to the Holy Spirit who helped me talk less and wait more, reminding me that, no, the dishes, the floor and the bedtime routines can wait just this one time…
Tonight, I read what I will call my Pretty Cool Quote of the Day. It is from Sally Clarkson's book "The Ministry of Motherhood" as she discusses the Gift of Training. She says,
" I have often prayed that my children become mature believers but my mother-heart never wanted them to have pain. As I was praying about this, I realized that in order for someone to become a general, he has to make it through many battles…We (parents) are the officers who help them prepare for the battles they will face in their lives."
Am I shaken and underconfident so often during my day to day because of the enormity of this task? Is it the charge to prepare my kids for that which is unknown to me, that cows me in disciplines of my daily living that would help me accomplish the seemingly impossible? I echo the apostle Paul when I say, "Who will deliver me from this body of death (or failure, or underpreparedness, or frailty)~ Thanks be to God! Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Popsicles may not quite do it, but the mother-heart given to Him, even one housed in an imperfect servant like me, may make a dent in this world yet
His optimism cracked me up…he really thought I might consider his line of thinking with some sobriety, and THAT was just funny. Popsicles on the porch time came to an end and "the littles" were sent to bed, while I sat for a little down time with Jessie, who had a few pretty heavy things on her mind. Having indulged in a few popsicles myself, I was actually wakeful enough to wisely hang around and stay available, a skill I am trying to work harder on as mom of 6. So, while we smacked down mosquitos who love mommymeat, and cheered on a bat that periodically would circle down from the house roof, we talked about some troubling relational things cropping up with her siblings.
I had to sit on my Mrs. Fix-It impulse, and try to listen, not solving much at first, but try to get her to think of skills or tools she needs to deal with the "stuff" of sibling life…all in all some stories were swapped and I hope she went away with some new thoughts and, please, God~ a secure feeling that her mom and dad are here for her and really want to help. I am thankful to the Holy Spirit who helped me talk less and wait more, reminding me that, no, the dishes, the floor and the bedtime routines can wait just this one time…
Tonight, I read what I will call my Pretty Cool Quote of the Day. It is from Sally Clarkson's book "The Ministry of Motherhood" as she discusses the Gift of Training. She says,
" I have often prayed that my children become mature believers but my mother-heart never wanted them to have pain. As I was praying about this, I realized that in order for someone to become a general, he has to make it through many battles…We (parents) are the officers who help them prepare for the battles they will face in their lives."
Am I shaken and underconfident so often during my day to day because of the enormity of this task? Is it the charge to prepare my kids for that which is unknown to me, that cows me in disciplines of my daily living that would help me accomplish the seemingly impossible? I echo the apostle Paul when I say, "Who will deliver me from this body of death (or failure, or underpreparedness, or frailty)~ Thanks be to God! Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Popsicles may not quite do it, but the mother-heart given to Him, even one housed in an imperfect servant like me, may make a dent in this world yet
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Who flew?
"It's from God", I said. The girls laughed and hung on, their young legs on 6 and 7 year old springs popping their excited selves up and down exuberantly. One more time I thought about the gift of an instant, uncreated, unplanned occurence and how it comes from the Lord's hand. The gift that makes me 6, too.
I was standing on a grassy field in Southwest Michigan with another family and our own minus two. Our eldest children and a friend had just boarded a Cessna 172 with their pilot, a volunteer with the Young Eagles program, a flight we arranged to mark my son's birthday. The happy airmen were flying over Lake Michigan,no doubt, and marking their church building in Saint Joe, Trinity's high spire and tower.
They were looking over the lake's sandbars and noting the sky's indecisive hues, contemplative, considering its coming descent into nightfall. They were laughing at each other's commentaries, piping in through the headsets which perched on each head.
As the flight team lived their mystery, we were experiencing a tiny one of our own here below.
Five minutes or so after take off, we began to notice as we stood there a far off object in the sky,and began making jokes about the UFO we had spotted. It seemed a steady little speck~could be anything for its size, we stood, watched and waited.
Its shape confirmed itself as it drew steadily closer to us, our smaller children losing interest in the 15 minutes we noted this . They played improvised versions of tag on the green grass, then tromped merrily on the pavement outside of the airport hangar.
The shape was roundish and seemed silvery at times, glimmering every once and again from the sun, who watched all of us from his western vantagepoint. We grownups laughed when finally we could identify it, and its amazingly direct path towards us.
"Let's run and get it!" I called to the little ones. We ran as it descended steadily, this gift from high in the sky, a smile sent down on an already perfect day. The girls grasped it,the blue string of a silvery mylar balloon marked "Happy Birthday", undoubtedly a gypsy wanderer come to find us and give a message. Jenna heard me say, "It's from God..." "for James!" she finished my sentence, popping up and down on exuberant legs.
Who flew that day, really?
The load and drag of the day to day was gone in a small moment of gratefulness. Jenna had captured not only a used mylar balloon, freed from its mailbox post and aged enough to descend to us, but she had also captured goodness from the Lord in the thought of it being a gift for her big brother.
So much of the lift and thrust of inspiration comes unplanned in these moments, and I so pray that those times stay with the children and never leave them. Also that I will be brave in my mistakes, bad moods, draggy moments that keep them from flying in the regular life we share. Brave enough to wait and watch for His rescue and gift, even if on mylar wings.
"It's from God", I said. The girls laughed and hung on, their young legs on 6 and 7 year old springs popping their excited selves up and down exuberantly. One more time I thought about the gift of an instant, uncreated, unplanned occurence and how it comes from the Lord's hand. The gift that makes me 6, too.
I was standing on a grassy field in Southwest Michigan with another family and our own minus two. Our eldest children and a friend had just boarded a Cessna 172 with their pilot, a volunteer with the Young Eagles program, a flight we arranged to mark my son's birthday. The happy airmen were flying over Lake Michigan,no doubt, and marking their church building in Saint Joe, Trinity's high spire and tower.
They were looking over the lake's sandbars and noting the sky's indecisive hues, contemplative, considering its coming descent into nightfall. They were laughing at each other's commentaries, piping in through the headsets which perched on each head.
As the flight team lived their mystery, we were experiencing a tiny one of our own here below.
Five minutes or so after take off, we began to notice as we stood there a far off object in the sky,and began making jokes about the UFO we had spotted. It seemed a steady little speck~could be anything for its size, we stood, watched and waited.
Its shape confirmed itself as it drew steadily closer to us, our smaller children losing interest in the 15 minutes we noted this . They played improvised versions of tag on the green grass, then tromped merrily on the pavement outside of the airport hangar.
The shape was roundish and seemed silvery at times, glimmering every once and again from the sun, who watched all of us from his western vantagepoint. We grownups laughed when finally we could identify it, and its amazingly direct path towards us.
"Let's run and get it!" I called to the little ones. We ran as it descended steadily, this gift from high in the sky, a smile sent down on an already perfect day. The girls grasped it,the blue string of a silvery mylar balloon marked "Happy Birthday", undoubtedly a gypsy wanderer come to find us and give a message. Jenna heard me say, "It's from God..." "for James!" she finished my sentence, popping up and down on exuberant legs.
Who flew that day, really?
The load and drag of the day to day was gone in a small moment of gratefulness. Jenna had captured not only a used mylar balloon, freed from its mailbox post and aged enough to descend to us, but she had also captured goodness from the Lord in the thought of it being a gift for her big brother.
So much of the lift and thrust of inspiration comes unplanned in these moments, and I so pray that those times stay with the children and never leave them. Also that I will be brave in my mistakes, bad moods, draggy moments that keep them from flying in the regular life we share. Brave enough to wait and watch for His rescue and gift, even if on mylar wings.
Monday, June 13, 2011
{Week 5} Ministry of Motherhood Book Club
What is my child needing from me as far as their futures are concerned? It is I am sure no coincidence that in that spirit, we were talking to the family last night during meeting, as we discussed some of the findings of James and Jess's IOWA test results.
It was a good time to look at their strengths, but I also pointed out my own story. And told the kids it is great to know Calculus by their junior year of high school if God wants them to have that. Since their dad really wants that for them , I am sure it may very well be part of the design...yet~well, I'll let you click the "Week 5..."link below and then view "The Gift of Inspiration Pt.1" video so you can enjoy what our Book Club author says on the subject.
How amazing that it came to me this morning right after our family meeting yesterday:D
{Week 5} Ministry of Motherhood Book Club
It was a good time to look at their strengths, but I also pointed out my own story. And told the kids it is great to know Calculus by their junior year of high school if God wants them to have that. Since their dad really wants that for them , I am sure it may very well be part of the design...yet~well, I'll let you click the "Week 5..."link below and then view "The Gift of Inspiration Pt.1" video so you can enjoy what our Book Club author says on the subject.
How amazing that it came to me this morning right after our family meeting yesterday:D
{Week 5} Ministry of Motherhood Book Club
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
little bells, little missions, motions from the "floor"
Do Robert's Rules of Order sound ridiculous for the under 12 crowd? Chuckling, I understand if you think so, but it has lately been a tool which has served our family pow pows in a modified form and carries in it some strengths.
For one, it helps me to self-determine to listen and carefully think about my children's ideas and suggestions which could range from ice cream for breakfast (it does have dairy, right? and sometimes fruit!) or activity choices of the day. It is also fun that a sibling gets a chance to "second" a motion, or feel invited to put forward their own different "motion from the floor" at which time we discuss then run a vote.
In daily operations, I still use the family meeting as a tool, and try to keep them short, relevant and as light hearted as possible. We are finding this a really great tool for those vacation times away from home as well.
Ministry of Motherhood studies continue over this most interesting summer (for weather, at least) Three cheers for our sweet leader, Christina for organizing us to stay in God's Word and grow, grow, grow!
This week, I have been in Romans 2:4, Mark 14:66-72, I Peter 4:8 and John 14:1~ in pursuit of God's Word on the topic of grace, as extended mother-to-child.
There is so much here, and to consider. Being aware of my own sins, I have sensed often the transfer of wrong thoughts and habits as emerging in the life of my child. Frequently when I see behaviors of one kind or another, I immediately can see the adult manifestation in my own life of the same misdeed, then think "well, they just_________, exACTLY like how I often_________________."
Being aware of this universal truth, that all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, I know the temptation is to be too paralyzed to discipline, thinking "they got _____ from me, so it would make me a hypocrite to address the misdeed..."
But our other option is a degree of appropriate transparency and work on the areas as they children do. I try, try, do it this way. Humbling as it always is.
This week's readings from the scriptures and Clarkson's topic of grace in Ministry of Motherhood remind me of two principles, therefore: One: Our children are not only our children, but our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. The thought of it, helps us to show them grace, teaching them that at al times grace is one available option when interacting with other people.
Two: In the understanding of our own frailties, we still train and disciple these young ones because we can use the opportunity to draw aside the veil. In the quest of "Who am I? How am I connected to past?How will it effect my ripple in the future?"~ Mommies and Daddies can draw aside the mystery of our shared tendencies and the traps that can draw us aside from loving Christ in everything we think, say and act.
THIS is a key initiative the enemy does NOT want us to realize, and why we are so easily cowed by guilt over our sins, as if we were never forgiven, never redeemed never called "friend" by the King of Glory. Don't fall for it Mom! (typing more for myself than for my dear reader, most likely)
My reading also inspired me to think about what I see in my child's face or body language, and what I hear in their voices and word choices throughout the day. The externals are so useful.
Positioning myself to learn from God's Word, teaching myself and and my family to "tell" our own hands and feet to be gentle towards others. Reference situations involving grace options during family meetings, discuss and maybe role play them. Remind my self to consider my children as fellow believers in the Lord Jesus, and my brothers and sisters...
Ring the bell today and have that meeting.
See what can be found.
For one, it helps me to self-determine to listen and carefully think about my children's ideas and suggestions which could range from ice cream for breakfast (it does have dairy, right? and sometimes fruit!) or activity choices of the day. It is also fun that a sibling gets a chance to "second" a motion, or feel invited to put forward their own different "motion from the floor" at which time we discuss then run a vote.
In daily operations, I still use the family meeting as a tool, and try to keep them short, relevant and as light hearted as possible. We are finding this a really great tool for those vacation times away from home as well.
Ministry of Motherhood studies continue over this most interesting summer (for weather, at least) Three cheers for our sweet leader, Christina for organizing us to stay in God's Word and grow, grow, grow!
This week, I have been in Romans 2:4, Mark 14:66-72, I Peter 4:8 and John 14:1~ in pursuit of God's Word on the topic of grace, as extended mother-to-child.
There is so much here, and to consider. Being aware of my own sins, I have sensed often the transfer of wrong thoughts and habits as emerging in the life of my child. Frequently when I see behaviors of one kind or another, I immediately can see the adult manifestation in my own life of the same misdeed, then think "well, they just_________, exACTLY like how I often_________________."
Being aware of this universal truth, that all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, I know the temptation is to be too paralyzed to discipline, thinking "they got _____ from me, so it would make me a hypocrite to address the misdeed..."
But our other option is a degree of appropriate transparency and work on the areas as they children do. I try, try, do it this way. Humbling as it always is.
This week's readings from the scriptures and Clarkson's topic of grace in Ministry of Motherhood remind me of two principles, therefore: One: Our children are not only our children, but our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. The thought of it, helps us to show them grace, teaching them that at al times grace is one available option when interacting with other people.
Two: In the understanding of our own frailties, we still train and disciple these young ones because we can use the opportunity to draw aside the veil. In the quest of "Who am I? How am I connected to past?How will it effect my ripple in the future?"~ Mommies and Daddies can draw aside the mystery of our shared tendencies and the traps that can draw us aside from loving Christ in everything we think, say and act.
THIS is a key initiative the enemy does NOT want us to realize, and why we are so easily cowed by guilt over our sins, as if we were never forgiven, never redeemed never called "friend" by the King of Glory. Don't fall for it Mom! (typing more for myself than for my dear reader, most likely)
My reading also inspired me to think about what I see in my child's face or body language, and what I hear in their voices and word choices throughout the day. The externals are so useful.
Positioning myself to learn from God's Word, teaching myself and and my family to "tell" our own hands and feet to be gentle towards others. Reference situations involving grace options during family meetings, discuss and maybe role play them. Remind my self to consider my children as fellow believers in the Lord Jesus, and my brothers and sisters...
Ring the bell today and have that meeting.
See what can be found.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
of words to remember, I Peter, and fly swatting...
Words to remember this week from my reading in"Ministry of Motherhood" were:
"the mother's dreams and goals are not what necessarily motivates the children to become better behaved or Christlike...what matters is our loving presence." P. 33
"In order for them to be open to my messages, I must be able to say no to my rights and yes to their needs to be willing to be available to them."
All true. Very true.
Worth taking seriously and thinking about. But. There is an elephant in the room and that is a one word elephant, interestingly enough, bearing the same initial....the word "enough."
Am I loving "enough?"
Am I present "enough?"
am I self sacrificing "enough?"
Am I available "enough?"
Am I meeting their needs "enough?"
No matter how sweet the Christian author, how hopeful, how helpful, the whisper is heard in every mommyreader's heart as she reads precept and I doing ...enough...or, harder still Am ...I...enough?
And we look over at that litlle sleeping person burrowed under the Hello Kitty comforter, squeezing the funky soft pet (that WILL make it to the laundry tomorrow), and way. No how.
Whatever the dear, kindly author presents in her on-paper account, I have to try to shake loose of the perfectionism and be careful how to apply the study here.
And I must not compare.
My life, my thoughts, my actions, my words are neither carefully worded or faithfully edited to the world around me, at least, not that I can see. The mothering scenarios I read here make mine pale in comparison, and that leads me to try to remember to root it out, the comparing. Comparison is almost always a bad idea.
Proverbs 4:25~"Let your eyes look straight ahead~ fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm"
Hymn~"How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word..."
As we look on 1 Peter 4:8 and the love which covers a multitude of our sins, I want to remember that this love covers me in my imperfect wifing (is that even a word?) and mothering. Jesus has indeed covered my sins by His awesome love for me...for you, too. Before we even had a chance to check the rearview mirror and fix the cut and perception...He loves us, Moms.
Firm and grounded in His Word for us, His excellent Words for us, we will continue on...setting sure a faith in His promise of enduring love for us~ unearned and unrefinable, faith in the wonderful way He created us unique in our individuality (Ps. 139:13-14) and faith in His plans for us to prosper our lives and bless our futures (Jer 29:11).
It may not look like anyone else's, but this is your love for your family given to you by Him. Highlight passages in "Ministry of Motherhood", "Wisdom for Mothers" whatever you are studying, if they help you, but swat the flies of comparison with not let them spoil the view for you of Christ's love, His unique love for you, specially made and fashioned for you.
love and blessings, Jenny
"the mother's dreams and goals are not what necessarily motivates the children to become better behaved or Christlike...what matters is our loving presence." P. 33
"In order for them to be open to my messages, I must be able to say no to my rights and yes to their needs to be willing to be available to them."
All true. Very true.
Worth taking seriously and thinking about. But. There is an elephant in the room and that is a one word elephant, interestingly enough, bearing the same initial....the word "enough."
Am I loving "enough?"
Am I present "enough?"
am I self sacrificing "enough?"
Am I available "enough?"
Am I meeting their needs "enough?"
No matter how sweet the Christian author, how hopeful, how helpful, the whisper is heard in every mommyreader's heart as she reads precept and I doing ...enough...or, harder still Am ...I...enough?
And we look over at that litlle sleeping person burrowed under the Hello Kitty comforter, squeezing the funky soft pet (that WILL make it to the laundry tomorrow), and way. No how.
Whatever the dear, kindly author presents in her on-paper account, I have to try to shake loose of the perfectionism and be careful how to apply the study here.
And I must not compare.
My life, my thoughts, my actions, my words are neither carefully worded or faithfully edited to the world around me, at least, not that I can see. The mothering scenarios I read here make mine pale in comparison, and that leads me to try to remember to root it out, the comparing. Comparison is almost always a bad idea.
Proverbs 4:25~"Let your eyes look straight ahead~ fix your gaze directly before you.
Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm"
Hymn~"How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word..."
As we look on 1 Peter 4:8 and the love which covers a multitude of our sins, I want to remember that this love covers me in my imperfect wifing (is that even a word?) and mothering. Jesus has indeed covered my sins by His awesome love for me...for you, too. Before we even had a chance to check the rearview mirror and fix the cut and perception...He loves us, Moms.
Firm and grounded in His Word for us, His excellent Words for us, we will continue on...setting sure a faith in His promise of enduring love for us~ unearned and unrefinable, faith in the wonderful way He created us unique in our individuality (Ps. 139:13-14) and faith in His plans for us to prosper our lives and bless our futures (Jer 29:11).
It may not look like anyone else's, but this is your love for your family given to you by Him. Highlight passages in "Ministry of Motherhood", "Wisdom for Mothers" whatever you are studying, if they help you, but swat the flies of comparison with not let them spoil the view for you of Christ's love, His unique love for you, specially made and fashioned for you.
love and blessings, Jenny
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Of frogs n dogs n a lost tooth...
Here are a string of photos that tell it all. Daddy and kids discovered a beautiful toad in the yard a week ago, Kassidy finally lost her first tooth (Jenna extracted it for her), and we had a fun overnight guest, a Houdinidog named Jasper.
Jasper was found on a Wednesday afternoon and scooped up by Mommy.
Pet owners note* have a chip placed in your dog, so he can be scanned at the vet's and recovered.
Note for softhearted pet rescuers*...make all the neato posters up AFTER you take the dog to the vet's to be scanned...
We absolutely LOVED having this dog, although he escaped from our grasp twice within the 24 hours we had him! Sweet natured and slick, something out of a Gordon Lightfoot song, this dog loves the Carefree Highway...I do not know if it is a good thing or bad thing that as he skips town, he keeps skirting the main road where all the traffic is.
In all other respects, he was a lovable, quiet, wonderful 24 hr. pet and we were grateful to have him.
Jasper was found on a Wednesday afternoon and scooped up by Mommy.
Pet owners note* have a chip placed in your dog, so he can be scanned at the vet's and recovered.
Note for softhearted pet rescuers*...make all the neato posters up AFTER you take the dog to the vet's to be scanned...
We absolutely LOVED having this dog, although he escaped from our grasp twice within the 24 hours we had him! Sweet natured and slick, something out of a Gordon Lightfoot song, this dog loves the Carefree Highway...I do not know if it is a good thing or bad thing that as he skips town, he keeps skirting the main road where all the traffic is.
In all other respects, he was a lovable, quiet, wonderful 24 hr. pet and we were grateful to have him.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Unless the Lord builds the house
its builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Psalm 127:1 is our first scripture verse of study for Good Morning Girls...see and join us, won't you? Please allow me to share what I see in this verse and how I think about applying...thanks for your reading time :D.
What I see when I read this passage is two parties working simultaneously on a task; pretty straightforward.
Note there are two sets of builders (ideally) in the act of building and two "watchers" watching a city~ Man and the Lord are doing the same thing.
To apply this passage, I consider the challenge of looking over, having given my life's goals, hopes and treasure to Jesus at the age of 19~ I need to be looking over and consciously SEEING Him at work in the life I try to give my family.
This scripture verse reading on the outset first made me think of Benjamin Franklin, who quoted this passage to the Continental Congress during those hot, summer days of deliberation and birthing our nation, it gave me a pang of empathy for good governors who care about the cities and states over which they govern, and I apply these ideas to my goal of homeschooling our children so that they are free. Free enough to choose differently than me, free to know and go in the Way God has for them, equipped to sling new stones and fire arrows I never had at the enemies and contenders which my future's eye can not see.
The encouragement, standing in a yard full of autumn leaves which cover the ground, hearing my own rake, and fighting off the boredom of getting the yard picked up and then to look over and see my son raking in the opposite corner, hear the pace of his strokes, a merciful relief and refueling fire can keep me from getting tired of doing good.
Jesus is there.May I hear His strokes. May you...
Unless the Lord builds the homeschool, its builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the children, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Amen, Come, Lord Jesus. Build.Stand guard.
Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Psalm 127:1 is our first scripture verse of study for Good Morning Girls...see and join us, won't you? Please allow me to share what I see in this verse and how I think about applying...thanks for your reading time :D.
What I see when I read this passage is two parties working simultaneously on a task; pretty straightforward.
Note there are two sets of builders (ideally) in the act of building and two "watchers" watching a city~ Man and the Lord are doing the same thing.
To apply this passage, I consider the challenge of looking over, having given my life's goals, hopes and treasure to Jesus at the age of 19~ I need to be looking over and consciously SEEING Him at work in the life I try to give my family.
This scripture verse reading on the outset first made me think of Benjamin Franklin, who quoted this passage to the Continental Congress during those hot, summer days of deliberation and birthing our nation, it gave me a pang of empathy for good governors who care about the cities and states over which they govern, and I apply these ideas to my goal of homeschooling our children so that they are free. Free enough to choose differently than me, free to know and go in the Way God has for them, equipped to sling new stones and fire arrows I never had at the enemies and contenders which my future's eye can not see.
The encouragement, standing in a yard full of autumn leaves which cover the ground, hearing my own rake, and fighting off the boredom of getting the yard picked up and then to look over and see my son raking in the opposite corner, hear the pace of his strokes, a merciful relief and refueling fire can keep me from getting tired of doing good.
Jesus is there.May I hear His strokes. May you...
Unless the Lord builds the homeschool, its builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the children, the watchmen stand guard in vain.
Amen, Come, Lord Jesus. Build.Stand guard.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
what I did tonight to unwind
I watched Peggy Sue Got Married and missed my Grandma. Seriously, I missed her like I was grieving a loss I have not felt in 25 years. Catch the film on netflix like i did and you will see what I mean.
The concept of seeing that face and hearing that voice again. Being in their house, the patterns, fabrics, muted colors, close fragrant kitchen smells, and coffee. The world was alright when they were here.
The way I was safe and removed from the responsibilities I get every day, and all the stories wrapped up in the life she knew, and survived. I missed my Grandma tonight.
And I really need to give up on the eye makeup.
The concept of seeing that face and hearing that voice again. Being in their house, the patterns, fabrics, muted colors, close fragrant kitchen smells, and coffee. The world was alright when they were here.
The way I was safe and removed from the responsibilities I get every day, and all the stories wrapped up in the life she knew, and survived. I missed my Grandma tonight.
And I really need to give up on the eye makeup.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Just One Thing for today
a great hymn:
O Worship the King
O worship the King, all glorious above,
O gratefully sing His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.
O tell of His might, O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space,
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.
The earth with its store of wonders untold,
Almighty, Thy power hath founded of old;
Established it fast by a changeless decree,
And round it hath cast, like a mantle, the sea.
Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;
It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.
Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail;
Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end,
Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.
O measureless might! Ineffable love!
While angels delight to worship Thee above,
The humbler creation, though feeble their lays,
With true adoration shall all sing Thy praise.
O Worship the King
O worship the King, all glorious above,
O gratefully sing His power and His love;
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,
Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.
O tell of His might, O sing of His grace,
Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space,
His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.
The earth with its store of wonders untold,
Almighty, Thy power hath founded of old;
Established it fast by a changeless decree,
And round it hath cast, like a mantle, the sea.
Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;
It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain.
Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail;
Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end,
Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend.
O measureless might! Ineffable love!
While angels delight to worship Thee above,
The humbler creation, though feeble their lays,
With true adoration shall all sing Thy praise.
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