Do Robert's Rules of Order sound ridiculous for the under 12 crowd? Chuckling, I understand if you think so, but it has lately been a tool which has served our family pow pows in a modified form and carries in it some strengths.
For one, it helps me to self-determine to listen and carefully think about my children's ideas and suggestions which could range from ice cream for breakfast (it does have dairy, right? and sometimes fruit!) or activity choices of the day. It is also fun that a sibling gets a chance to "second" a motion, or feel invited to put forward their own different "motion from the floor" at which time we discuss then run a vote.
In daily operations, I still use the family meeting as a tool, and try to keep them short, relevant and as light hearted as possible. We are finding this a really great tool for those vacation times away from home as well.
Ministry of Motherhood studies continue over this most interesting summer (for weather, at least) Three cheers for our sweet leader, Christina for organizing us to stay in God's Word and grow, grow, grow!
This week, I have been in Romans 2:4, Mark 14:66-72, I Peter 4:8 and John 14:1~ in pursuit of God's Word on the topic of grace, as extended mother-to-child.
There is so much here, and to consider. Being aware of my own sins, I have sensed often the transfer of wrong thoughts and habits as emerging in the life of my child. Frequently when I see behaviors of one kind or another, I immediately can see the adult manifestation in my own life of the same misdeed, then think "well, they just_________, exACTLY like how I often_________________."
Being aware of this universal truth, that all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God, I know the temptation is to be too paralyzed to discipline, thinking "they got _____ from me, so it would make me a hypocrite to address the misdeed..."
But our other option is a degree of appropriate transparency and work on the areas as they children do. I try, try, do it this way. Humbling as it always is.
This week's readings from the scriptures and Clarkson's topic of grace in Ministry of Motherhood remind me of two principles, therefore: One: Our children are not only our children, but our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. The thought of it, helps us to show them grace, teaching them that at al times grace is one available option when interacting with other people.
Two: In the understanding of our own frailties, we still train and disciple these young ones because we can use the opportunity to draw aside the veil. In the quest of "Who am I? How am I connected to past?How will it effect my ripple in the future?"~ Mommies and Daddies can draw aside the mystery of our shared tendencies and the traps that can draw us aside from loving Christ in everything we think, say and act.
THIS is a key initiative the enemy does NOT want us to realize, and why we are so easily cowed by guilt over our sins, as if we were never forgiven, never redeemed never called "friend" by the King of Glory. Don't fall for it Mom! (typing more for myself than for my dear reader, most likely)
My reading also inspired me to think about what I see in my child's face or body language, and what I hear in their voices and word choices throughout the day. The externals are so useful.
Positioning myself to learn from God's Word, teaching myself and and my family to "tell" our own hands and feet to be gentle towards others. Reference situations involving grace options during family meetings, discuss and maybe role play them. Remind my self to consider my children as fellow believers in the Lord Jesus, and my brothers and sisters...
Ring the bell today and have that meeting.
See what can be found.
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