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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I Stand, therefore

Insofar as taxation should not come from the Supreme Court, opinions should not be rewritten by justices, rather evaluated in light of a firm and principled Constitution, I will be adding a third phase of stewardship to my civic life in America during the next 6 months.

Phase one: Donate time, funding and personal engagement to seeing Mitt Romney win the Presidential election

Phase Two: November 7th on~ see to it, Romney repeals and replaces Obama's attempt at Healthcare
and relieves the middle class of $27 billion of tax hikes (2013-2023).

Phase Three: Uphold the Constitution by beginning the impeachment process of Chief Justice John Roberts.

Do I go too far? We will either live under a firm Constitution, or we will be ruled by an unfettered, massive, overreaching government. The erosion has gone on long enough.

I stand, therefore, with the founders.   J. Siek

Monday, July 2, 2012

Healthcare Solutions for a Free Empowered American Citizenry

Healthcare Solutions for a Free, Empowered America

have always been ready for  President Barack Obama's review, he just never had time to sit down with Dr. Tom Price, Congressman.

Dr. Price and the RSC requested a meeting WEEKLY. Now he brings a 20 minute overview of all that is possible in Healthcare to the American people in this 20 minute talk courtesy of Hillsdale College.